Output Versus Input: How to Measure Your Efforts to Maximize Productivity
It is often assumed to translate to being productive and ideally successful. But experience and observation has taught me that activity does not always add up to productivity. So, why does this simple math problem not always add up? Are you really working as much or as "hard" as you think? Maybe...but maybe not....
Transitioning From Manager To Leader: Take Yourself And Your Team To The Next Level
[Originally published on Forbes Business Council] Leadership is less about day-to-day doing and more about setting a vision and empowering those on the team to bring that vision to life.
How to Get Sh*t Done Without Losing Focus on Your Relationships
Ever wonder how some people can get so much done professionally while maintaining balance in their personal lives? You are not alone. In this article, we will explore five ways to #GSD, maintain balance, and nurture relationships—professional and personal—along the way.
On Rewirement: What It Is And How To Navigate It
The term rewirement may be something you’ve heard before, but here’s my definition: Rewirement is the process of adjusting a part of your life on a mental and physical level to better reflect your current needs and desires.
Does Complacency Trump Aspirations?
While we all work toward something daily, we don’t always focus on getting our important goals completed. The endless list can feel daunting, but are you hitting your targets? Or do some items stay unchecked, undone, and unattained for days, weeks, and years? Think about it, how long is your ‘to-do’ list and what are you actually accomplishing?
We Need to Talk: What Top Gun: Maverick Teaches Us About Self-talk
Navigating self-talk is crucial; mastering self-leadership unlocks personal and professional success. Check out this article for lessons on self-talk gleaned from “Top Gun: Maverick and practical tips you can implement today to upgrade your self-talk.
Fact or Fiction: You Can Give 100% Effort 100% Of The Time
Today, productivity is one of the most highly sought-after and praised qualities. Whether it is in the workplace or at home, the idea of giving 100% effort 100% of the time seems ideal but nearly impossible. Yet, is it? I say it’s possible!
Blending Corporate And Personal Brands: A Recipe For Mutual Success
Following these guidelines can help you build and align your personal brand with your organization's values and reputation.
What Smart Businesses Do In Tough Economic Times
Use shifts in the economy as an opportunity to better understand your company, learn more about your customers and keep moving forward.
Not Closing Deals? Four Ways To Solve For It Today
You need to communicate your offering in a way that leads to an emphatic yes.
How Professionals Can Slow Down And Focus On What Matters In 2023
Here are three things you can do to slow down while still achieving maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the year ahead.
Preserving Trust: The Foundation of Ethics and Compliance in Business
Speaker: Shavonnah Roberts Schreiber