Fact or Fiction: You Can Give 100% Effort 100% of the Time


Today, productivity is one of the most highly sought-after and praised qualities. Whether it is in the workplace or at home, the idea of giving 100% effort 100% of the time seems ideal but nearly impossible. Yet, is it? I say it’s possible! You just need the right outlook and tools to get you to your best self.


To be most productive, many people have found shortcuts, hacks, and workarounds to accomplish everything and check every box. Sometimes, that minimum effort to receive maximum results might be just fine. But in many aspects of life, the traditional, good old-fashioned hard work is the key to success. In many ways, you get what you give, and the shortest route isn’t always the best one. Let’s face it, there are real, tangible benefits received when we put forth the effort needed to get the desired outcome.


Let’s discuss what it means to take the long way in a world obsessed with shortcuts. First, what is giving 100% effort? Effort is a subjective term, varying from person to person and situation to situation. For some, it may mean working tirelessly towards a goal without distractions, while for others, it may involve balancing various aspects of life while still striving for excellence.


Whatever it looks like for you, it is crucial to understand yourself, how you can give effort, and define your outcome and goals. Once you know what 100% effort is, you can utilize five tools that I’ve lined up to put forth 100% effort, 100% of the time.


1. Be realistic.

When you are in the phase of determining effort and setting goals, be realistic about what this might look like. There are 24 hours in the day, and we all have a limited amount of time to dedicate to any specific project. Of course, you want to stretch yourself, but you don’t want the goal to be so far-fetched that you are setting yourself up for failure and frustration. Make sure it is attainable and clear, so your effort is worth it in the end.


2. Be honest.

You know your abilities so be honest with yourself about what you can accomplish. While you don’t want to cut yourself and your abilities short, you don’t want to be so far-fetched that you aren’t taking a serious look in the mirror to know what you will accomplish. Will you set forth the time needed? Will you maintain pace so you can reach your goal? Will you actually put in the effort needed? These are questions only you can answer. Here’s the best part: even if your answer would have been ‘no’ to these questions yesterday, you can give a “yes” today. But are you up for the challenge?


3. Identify the obstacle(s) and WOOP it.

Will some things get in your way? Of course! But, if you answered “yes” to the honesty questions, you know that you are not the hurdle. Still, that doesn’t mean that there will not be forces (or humans) that can stand in your way of reaching your goals. So, what could stand between you giving 100% effort and you reaching 100% of your goals? I was introduced to Gabriele Oettingen, a researcher and Professor of Psychology at New York University who has spent her career studying the science of making your dreams a reality, through my Heroic program. In Dr. Oettingen’s book, Rethinking Positive Thinking, she introduces the notion of something called “WOOP” to help us make our dreams a reality: W is for Wish | O is for Outcome |O is for Obstacles |P is for Plan. The meta idea is that when we identify an obstacle standing between us and any goal, we should “WOOP” it to overcome it. As I mentioned, many people seem obsessed with doing things quickly. Well, not you; you are the type of person to slow down and think through completely, find out what the challenges might be, and create a plan for pushback!


4. Gather your crew.

FYI – a crew might just be two people, you and the one person in your circle who is like-minded. When you determine who is also in pursuit of excellence and has come to the same realization as you have, it is much easier to give the effort and reach the goals when you have cheerleaders behind you. Say your goals out loud to someone who is on your team. Sometimes just finding the right people and speaking it into reality makes a huge difference when facing hurdles.


5. Know the difference.

We’ve talked all about shortcuts. But here is the kicker, there is a huge difference between shortcuts and optimization. With today’s technology, there are plenty of ways to utilize modern methods of working while still not taking the easy way out. Optimization helps you with time management, clear communication, quality assurance, and collaboration/teamwork. By adopting optimization strategies, you can reach your goals without having to resort to shortcuts.


While the idea of giving 100% effort 100% of the time might seem appealing, it can also feel daunting. Don’t let the fear of the goal prevent you from starting the process. We know how to get there; it’s a matter of understanding and planning. After all, 100% is the result, and it just starts with a first step!