The term rewirement may be something you’ve heard before, but here’s my definition: Rewirement is the process of adjusting a part of your life on a mental and physical level to better reflect your current needs and desires.
For me and many others, it represents a line in the sand—a before and after moment that someone can point back to and say, “This is when it intentionally changed for me.”
But rewirement doesn’t happen overnight or in a vacuum. Instead, it’s the realization over time that something is no longer working, and the person you must be right now requires new wiring. I have been making shifts in my personal and professional life, and those shifts have brought up many questions.
Questions like: Is my current approach actually working? Is there another path forward that is obvious but hasn’t been considered? Is this pull toward a new path worth exploring?
At times, rewirement is a requirement to keep up with the times. For example, traditional marketers might be forced to switch up their tried-and-true techniques of billboard marketing and print advertising for the digital age. Or a leader of a manufacturing plant might have to pivot from their old ways to the modern age to increase efficiency and profitability. But not every decision is as obvious and clear-cut. Sometimes rewirement simply involves changing the way you are approaching a problem. If you have always solved it with certain steps, maybe it is time to reevaluate your approach.
Here are four things to look out for when considering rewiring:
- Internal Friction
Whenever we do something new, we become novices again. Therefore, we will execute this new thing in a clunky, awkward way. That feeling of not being good at something can create a certain amount of mental friction. Expect it and keep going. Most people stop because of the discomfort, or friction. But the other side of that is where you start to see results.One example might be making a huge professional jump. If you are dissatisfied with your career, it is not always an easy decision to make that leap, leave your job, perhaps get new training and switch things up. But what would it look like at the end? Which decision would you be happier with when you fast-forward 10 years? Of course, easier said than done. But don’t let internal struggles stand in your way of making the best decision for yourself.
- External Friction
As you begin to rewire, your internal questions will bubble out to other people as you give voice to them. The key is to make sure that you identify who you can be vulnerable with. Some people will not always receive your questions without suspicion. My recommendation is to get a journal or a rewire buddy—someone who will not only receive your questions but also ask you some back.Who would make a good rewirement buddy? To me, it would be someone who exemplifies empathy and active listening skills, trustworthiness, a nonjudgmental attitude and wisdom. But most importantly, someone who truly wants the best for you and will help you calculate your decisions and guide you through the process. Here is the key: Really listen in return. You will want to deeply take these suggestions into consideration.
- A Strong Desire
You are drawn to a path for a reason, even if the complete path is unclear and there are missing pieces. Recognizing this pull is going to help when you are first navigating. Don’t question the desire. Question the objections that may stem from unwired conditioning. The uncertainty can overwhelm any forward progress. Choose to lean into the excitement and use it as fuel to keep going. The uncertainty will dissipate as you find your footing on your new path. Trust me. I promise it always does.Usually, major life decisions and changes don’t need to be made in an instant. Don’t just allow a fleeting impulse to take over. Typically, if you are focused on this change for six months or longer, it is time to make a jump. For example, at my company, we have always been a marketing-led agency. Last year we made a change, in a big way. We shifted from just marketing to creative advisory where we strategically guide clients through all major business decisions. This change was not easy or quick for me. It is my business and my livelihood. But I knew this was the best decision for the company and our clients.
- The Impact Of Your Results
This is a tricky one. It can be a challenge to successfully transition after receiving a goal if it means a change in status in some way. On the surface, it can seem like bad news, but I actually see it as great news. Why? You are shifting your social circle based on what’s important to you now and the results of your efforts. You can gain clarity on the people in your life who are aligned with you and support your growth.
Focus on those people. Lean into those relationships. This is where you will really see the support system shine. You will notice the right people are cheering you on.
In some ways, rewirement is another way of saying you are making a big shift in what you do, how you behave or how you show up in the world. And big shifts are difficult, even if they are ones you willingly initiate. So, be kind to yourself and keep going. I invite you to follow me as I continue my journey, and I wish you well on your path.