Output Versus Input: How to Measure Your Efforts to Maximize Productivity

“Putting in the hours” is often assumed to translate to being productive and ideally successful. So, why does this simple math problem not always add up? Perhaps, you’re not always working as much or as hard as you think you are. Hang on…before you stop reading, hear me out. I am not suggesting that you are not working, instead I am suggesting that activity does not always equal productivity. That said, understanding how to accurately gauge your work effort and improve productivity can enhance your professional output and personal well-being.

Focusing on the end goal is not just about staying busy or working until midnight. The important thing is that you clock the effectiveness more than the number of hours you spend. So, how do you calculate your efforts and balance output versus input? I’ve devised five ways to guide you through these complexities and help you reach your potential.

  1. The Goal is Your Goal

    What is the ideal result? Do you have a clear and strategic vision? If you don’t know what you are working towards, how can you effectively put in the time? Just because you go to an office or sit at your computer, it doesn’t mean much if you don’t know what success looks like. So, map it out. Write it down. And focus on reaching it every time you punch the clock.

  2. Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    Setting specific and measurable targets like sales numbers, deadlines, customer satisfaction ratings, or specific output data points can help you understand where you fall on the trajectory of success. This is often used in large companies to see if an employee is making headway. When owning your own business or being accountable for your success, it can be extremely hard to see a potentially fuzzy or often moving target. Remember: it all comes down to results. Are you achieving the results you set out to? If not, then dig deep to understand why, and if it makes sense try a different approach.

  3. Invest in Task or Time Management Solutions

    A study by the American Psychological Association tells us that 20% of adults regularly delay tasks. To me, that means that someone might be typing on their computer and feel like they are working, but not truly getting anything done. If this is you, it might be time to investigate a time management solution like a software system to track productivity or a project time tracker. A productivity time cube can allow you to focus on a specific task for a set amount of time.

  4. Seek Feedback

    It is important to rely on colleagues or clients to track successes. Often this teamwork mentality can help you strive to reach goals and work towards finding a solution to distractions. Check in with your team to see how they are doing and ask if you are on-task as well. Success is typically a team sport so get out there and play!

  5. Don’t be afraid to pull the plug.

    Not every goal will end up being worth continuing once you start on it. That’s A-OK in my book. Say you did the four suggestions above and you still don’t see the results you expected, it could be that you are not working toward the right goal for you or the right project for you right now. Again, this is A-OK and I consider understanding what is not working sooner vs. later to be a win. My motto is it’s best to win early and lose early. I believe sometimes the reason people continue to put in countless hours without seeing a result is because they buy into the sunk-cost fallacy, meaning they’ve come this far so they don’t want to turn around, even when your gut says it’s not the right direction. I say, skip it. Be honest with yourself, and do not throw any more good time chasing after bad time. Work smart.

Now that you have checkpoints and check-ins, you are on your way to working smart, not hard! Prioritizing the right work at the right time can help you reach your goal without burnout.

And here is an encore point to consider: It’s crucial to find time for a work-life balance.

Sometimes stepping away from your computer or phone can be good for your health, mental state, and business, which in turn can help you be more productive when you are in work-mode!